Log of our fourth trip of 2021

Avon, NC

The Outer Banks

 Still a friggin Pandemic Trip

May 23, 2021


May 30, 2021

Attended: Dad, Toodledip Wooozle, Odo

Start 46,033 --  End 47,637 -- 1604 miles

Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture


A very nice trip down with 93 degree weather in Ohio and mid-70s on the Outer Banks.

Toodles has his foot problem ... still.  I have a bit of sciatica ... still.  But here we are!  Both of us are staying off the beach and instead spending our walk in the developments.

DID'JA KNOW ... that a groundhog, caught between two dogs and a lake, can indeed swim???

Sound side, a single white bird, was taking good advantage of ample fish shared with no other.

What is that?  A cat, moving slowly toward prey.  CAT!  CAT!  Two dogs comin' CAT!  Ommph!  Not a cat!  A unit of a turtle!


And during our walk on Wednesday, another turtle, albeit a little guy.  He was still captured, interrogated and released.

Here's our walks:

Day Miles walked Total
Sunday, May 23 Ocean View into Kinnatkeet 2.78
Monday, May 24 Same 2.46
Tuesday, May 25 Into Kinnakeet to the sound 4.68
Wednesday, May 26 Kinnakeet into Ocean View 2.82
Thursday, May 27 Same 3.22
Friday, May 28 Same 4.18
Friday, May 29 Same 2.91

Toodles has figured out that he can lie under my glass desk and stare up at me while I am working.



Just when you thought you've seen everything:

Here is a link to the video which may be faster.

Non-resident property owners are not the only ones that cannot get a contractor to work.  This is the new Avon campground by Avon Pier.  It looked that way when I was here in March.  It looked that way when I was here in April.  Yes they moved some sand around and maybe got some utilities in.  I would have figured Koru Village would have had some pull and be able to get work done.  We NRPOs are not alone.

Now this house that they move a year or two ago, and that is still not ready.  Now it appears that they have a RAISED drain field for the septic system.  This is on Ocean View in 2021, prior to the beach nourishment.  In an average storm the waves break on the pavement of Ocean View.  It will be interesting seeing how the storms treat this.




For up-to-date park maps and information, check the

Ohio State Park website


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