Log of our tenth trip of 1993

Algonquin Provincial Park

Whitney, Ontario

August 2-14, 1993


Mileage Start 64,718 --  Home 65,842



Click any of the images for a higher resolution picture (about 1 meg each)


Wow!  What a difference a year makes!  We drove to Hamilton, Ontario and stayed at a public park.  It was OK but absolutely full of goose poop.  Certainly better than a roadside rest.  Onto Algonquin ... every camp was full and people were driving through looking for sites.  We were in quite a dilemma!  We ended up going to St. Peter Lake Provincial Park where there were two sites left.  We had to literally throw our bodies across the sites to get them.  We left the next day to find that people were renewing as they expired.  Hence, we could not gauge our chances.  again, many other people were driving through looking for a site.  We left and stayed at the Algonquin Trails camp, an ex-KOA.  We have water, electric, a heated pool, trails .. it was an excellent alternative!  So where from here?  I am testing Pactor as a means of getting home and the results have been excellent.  We are here through Friday.

A bear caused us to stop as it passed 100 feet or so in front of us.

8/5 Thursday

We found two sites at Kearney Lake and got them.  We also stopped at a store.  Mike and I are a site apart.

8/6 Friday

Moved over one site to 147.  It is an excellent site.  We are quite happy with it.  Took a ride through Whitefish on our bikes, a walk around the camp, and a canoe ride around Kearney.

8/7 Saturday

Went to Whitney and got some supplies.  On this trip we are testing Pactor and it is working great.

We took an interior trip ..  of sorts.  We went to Rock and Pen Lake with a 327 meter portage.  We didn't get to a site until dark.  We headed home at dawn.  We did have a good time.  We saw a bear porting our canoes.

We walked the Bat Lake Trail.  We visited the logging museum.  We rented a kayak.  I found it to be one of the most heavy and unstable things I have ever seen.  However, the kids just took to it perfectly.  They paddled the whole dang lake with ease.

Heading home.  Up at 0630 ... far too early!

For up-to-date park maps and information, check the Ontario Provincial Park website

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